Wellness Abounds at New Horizons Naturopathic Clinic

by Shannon Anderson

Many people are visiting alternative and complimentary health care providers today. These doctors engage in some of the most rewarding and beneficial work to be seen in the fight against disease, combining the powers of natural, alternative health care with traditional medicine.

Dr. Clinton Pomroy, doctor of naturopathy at New Horizons Naturopathic Clinic in Calabasas, takes an individualized approach to every patient. When a doctor is able to properly combine the strengths of Western medicine with alternative and nutritional fields, you’ve truly found a recipe for healing.

Pomroy has been in practice for four years and works to enlighten community members about the many benefits of naturopathic treatment. He currently oversees treatments ranging from medical weight management to chronic disease treatment, often working together with a patient’s current family physician to create the best approach for wellness.

“We are advocating the patients’ best interests first and foremost,” Pomroy says. This is good news for many patients suffering from underlying or misdiagnosed causes of health problems. People are often properly diagnosed, but not treated so. Dr. Pomroy works to bridge the gap between conventional and holistic medicine, taking into account aspects of nutrition and lifestyle that perhaps a conventional M.D. alone might not catch.

Twelve years ago, Pomroy launched his holistic health career in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Since then, he has helped treat various patients by integrating acupuncture, homeopathic treatments and other alternative health resources, as well as conventional medicine. New Horizons Naturopathic Clinic offers specific and effective plans for patients that combine the best of both Western and natural medicine.

As a naturopathic doctor, Pomroy says that he has seen his share of chronically suffering patients—from the simplest cases to the most aggressive and frightening ones. Unfortunately, the treatment of cancer has recently become extremely segregated and non-inclusive. Cancer patients wishing to supplement their treatment modalities with natural methods are oftenhard-pressed to find a doctor qualified in both Western and naturopathic medicine. Western medical methods often treat cancer using one standard approach: identify, label and attack.

Alternative fields of medicine aim to create treatment modalities for cancer and other ailments with nutritional alternative medicine. At New Horizons, a more natural approach is taken to reduce a patient’s most troubling symptoms. Although natural medicine is generally much less risky than Western medicine, particular combinations of both types can potentially be hazardous. Dr. Pomroy tailors specific strategies for his patients, helping them naturally reduce or eliminate some of the most adverse symptoms.

Problems with a person’s health can also stem from lifestyle issues like poor diet and lack of exercise, and cannot be treated merely with a quick fix. The strengths of integrative medicine are apparent, and have been for decades since the inception of naturopathic medicine.

Dr. Pomroy’s main concern when treating patients is relieving them from their pain, illnesses and stress that cause them much anxiety. Even for chronic sufferers, he insists that there is much good that can be done through supportive therapy. For patients who are on a different level and need unique, interpersonal care, New Horizons Naturopathic Clinic offers an integrative, more natural way of life.

New Horizons Naturopathic Clinic is located at 23945 Calabasas Road, Suite 101 in Calabasas, CA. For more information call 818-224-2404.

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